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Liat Greenberg is a Stockholm based Fashion designer and Artist. Evolving from her design practice which concerns the proper form and fashioned body, Liat’s art practice is defined by her desire to capture the sensuality of the natural world. Undermining norms and conventions of the idealised form, Liat’s works of still-lifes and nudes capture the molds and folds of the natural form intuitively. Her works reflect a subjective perception of people and objects in a strongly dynamic yet vulnerable expression of color and shape.


Liat works with water-colors and oil pastels, highlighting her desire to escape the dominant forms. Instead, her paintings come spontaneously sparked by her emotional state. The process of painting becomes an almost meditative practice guided by her awareness of being self among the others.


Liat explores the variety of female experiences, as a tension of living through inner and outer criticism and glorification. Led by the fluidity of her medium, her dream-like reflections move between and beyond the awkward and graceful, the grotesque and the moderate, the abstract and the distinct, the anonymity and presence of the subject or object in focus of periphery.

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